Your donations make an impact

When you give to Second Chance Hero you support critical programs and services for  congenital patients and their families who need them most. We rely on donations to enable us to fulfill our mission.
A cute hedgedog curled into the ball

Why donate?

When you give to Second Chance Hero, you support critical programs and services for congenital patients and their families who need them most. From mentoring patients through their transplant journey to helping them overcome financial relocation hurdles, your contribution makes a difference.
Our biggest goal yet
A six month relocation for a transplant patient can cost a patient between $18,000 to $20,000 USD on average. This cost must be covered by patients as relocation isn’t covered by primary insurance policies. Our goal is to raise funds to break ground on our first housing project by the end of 2023.

For housing donations please email

One time donation

Make a once off donation, big or small that can go a long way
Your donation will help
A $200 donation will provide a visit from our volunteer pet therapy team bringing joy and positivity
A $500 donation will help in putting together care packages for patients that provides everyday comforts
A $1000 donation will help assist us in providing temporary housing and travel assistance

Monthly donation

Make your donation go further with a monthly gift
Your donation will help
$20 donations can help with the upkeep of our therapy dogs and provide healthy treats
$50 donations will help in purchasing books, compression socks, mattress toppers and more
$100 donation will provide a 1:1 session with an experienced therapist and patient

How we help patients

Pet therapy

Our volunteer pet therapy team visits the Cardiac Ward at Vanderbilt Hospital Nashville every week which improves patient energy levels and self-esteem. It also decreases depression, anxiety, fear, and loneliness. Our pets help in-patients have a more positive outlook about their treatment. Pet therapy also benefits family members, patients visitors, and the tireless nursing staff reduce stress levels all-around.
Mental health resources

We assist in providing a 1:1 session for patients with an experienced therapist which helps mentor them through the darkest moments of their journey by building mental strength and resilience. Our therapists are typically congenital and/or transplant survivors themselves.This allows them to exude unmatched empathy that lets them immediately connect with the patient on an intimate level. Having a similar experience helps nurture an authentic, reciprocal relationship.
Temporary housing and travel assistance

A six month relocation for transplant patients can cost a patient between $18,000 to $20,000 USD on average. This cost must be covered by patients as relocation isn’t usually covered by primary insurance policies. Our goal is to raise funds to break ground on our first housing project by the end of 2023. 
Care packages

Long term care patients need everyday comforts that bring a sense of normalcy and hope. We put together care packages that include books, water sterilizing water bottle, a mattress topper for longer-term patients which makes a huge difference in sleep health, compression stockings and much more.

Read our patient stories

We believe those with lifelong congenital illnesses can be empowered to live a meaningful and passion-driven life. Read the stories of these transplant survivors.